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Account Management for District and School Admins

As a district or school administrator, you are responsible for managing the accounts of your staff and students. You need to make, update, and delete accounts, assign roles and permissions, and keep an eye on usage and activity. In this guide, we will show you how to use the account management tools on our platform to do these jobs quickly and safely.

Settings for School and District Accounts

District and school Admins can access their setup option under the Settings menu, in the top right corner.

A District Admin can manage the settings for the district and all of the schools. 

A School Admin can only manage the settings for the schools they are assigned to.


Update district settings

Select the “District & School Settings” section from the Settings menu to view and update the district’s settings.


The District Name is displayed in Peachjar’s flyer email notification to parents, on your district’s flyer board, and in the school finder viewed by community organizations.

Note: Your district must contact Peachjar to update the District Name.

Physical Address

Used in the community organization’s school finder to locate districts of interest, geographically, when submitting a flyer for distribution. 

Flyer Board Buttons

With the Flyer Board Buttons, parents can see the latest flyers from your district right on the district and school websites.

Download a CSV file with code snippets and URLs for the flyer boards in your district and school. Place these button code snippets on your district and school websites.

General Disclaimer

The General Disclaimer is displayed at the bottom of the flyer email notifications to parents and on the bottom of the district and school flyer boards.

e.g., if the flyer you are viewing is not accessible, please contact the Communications and Community Relations Department to report it at 555-555-5555 or communityrelations@abcusd.edu.

For those with accounts launched before December 12, 2020, your Flyer Accessibility Disclaimer and Custom Email Footer have been combined into a single message now called "General Disclaimer."

Flyer disclaimers are separate from general disclaimers; see Flyer Disclaimer in the Community Settings for more details.

View district schools/sites

Below the district settings, view information about each school / site that’s been setup.

Add school/site

Contact Peachjar to add a school/site.


When a school/site is set to Active and Visible (yellow), the school/site will be shown to community organizations in Peachjar. This results in the community organizations being able to see this school / site in the school finder and, therefore, can distribute flyers to this school’s parents.

When a school/site is not set to Visible (gray), it will not be shown to community organizations in Peachjar. This results in the community organizations not being able to see this school/site in the school finder and, therefore, cannot distribute flyers to this school’s parents. District and this school’s users with the Uploader role can still see and select this school / site for flyer distribution.

Your district must contact Peachjar to set a school as Visible or not Visible to community organizations.


Update school/site settings

Select the arrow, on the right side of the list of schools/sites, to update its settings.

School Name

The School Name is displayed in Peachjar’s flyer email notification to parents, on the district’s flyer board, and in the school finder viewed by community organizations.

Your district must contact Peachjar to update your school’s name.


A unique identifier of the school used for securing and synchronizing data. Use the ID from the district’s School Information System (SIS) if one is in use, otherwise the district Admin can enter any custom ID. The SIS/custom ID can be a combination of numbers and letters with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 256.

Physical Address

Used in the community organization’s school finder to locate schools of interest, geographically, when submitting a flyer for distribution.


The total count of students in your school. This number is used to calculate the health of your school’s parent email list.


The grade range of schools/sites are used to filter results in the school finder when a staff, volunteers, and community organizations are submitting flyers for distribution.

Flyer Board Button

The Flyer Board Button provides parents access to your school’s current flyers directly from your school website.

Download a CSV file containing a code snippet with a URL for your school flyer board. Place this button code snippet on your school website.

Distribution Settings

 Flyer distribution window

Districts have a specific 1-hour distribution window, based on their local time zone, set as their daily flyer email delivery schedule. Important: By default, all districts are set to a daily distribution window of 3pm - 4pm local time. In most cases, we can expect most of the scheduled flyer emails to be delivered close to the beginning of the window. However, depending on the volume of scheduled flyer emails and current network throttling at providers, it may take up to an hour for all emails to be delivered. 

Please contact Peachjar if you'd like to change your distribution window.

Staff, User & Role Settings

A district Admin can add staff in bulk or individually, with or without roles, to follow the district or school/site(s). There are two options to assign staff the admin, approver, and/or uploader roles to the district or school/site(s) they are associated with. Staff can be added individually or through the ‘quickly manage staff user roles’ feature. The uploader role is automatically assigned when volunteers are added to the district or school/site(s).

View district & school staff

Select the “User & Role Settings” section from the Settings menu to view your district and school staff that have been setup.


Add staff users individually

Select the “Add Staff” button, above the list of staff users to add a staff user to the district or a school/site(s).


Add staff in bulk

Select the “Bulk Manage Staff” button, above the list of staff users, to add, remove and, maintain existing staff users to the district and school sites. A pop-up window will appear providing detailed instructions on how to upload a csv file to update district and school staff in bulk.

Please note! Each time a list is uploaded, the new list will completely replace the existing list of staff emails on a per site basis (in the same manner as the parent CSV). 

  • New email staff accounts will be added if they are not currently in our system.
  • Emails for existing staff accounts not listed will be removed unless they are assigned a role (Admin, Approver, or Uploader).

Roles for existing staff accounts can not be updated through the bulk management process. Therefore, manual updates to these roles can be individually updated instead. 

Find staff user

Use the Sites and/or Roles filters above the list of staff users to narrow down the list. You can also use the list’s column headings to sort it for finding a particular user.

Email Address

Enter the staff member’s email address with the district’s domain. New staff users will receive an email  for account authorization containing a magic login link.


Select the district or school/site that the user is associated with. If the staff user is associated with more than one school/site use the “Add Staff” option for each school/site.


Roles are a set of granted permissions to access / use to particular areas of Peachjar’s service.

  • The Admin role can manage settings, access approval history for all flyers, and view all flyer reporting for their associated district or school(s). At least one administrator is required at the district.
  • The Approver role can approve or deny flyers being distributed to parents and access approval history for flyers they approved or denied.
  • The Uploader role can distribute flyers to the district and/or school(s) and view flyer reporting for the flyers they have distributed. Uploaders assigned to the district can distribute to parents (or staff) of all school/sites(s). Uploaders assigned to a school can only distribute flyers to parents (or staff) of that school.

Note: Staff users can be added individually without a role assigned and will automatically be set to follow the district or school/site(s) they are assigned to.

The first time a staff user is added to the Peachjar system, with or without a role, they will automatically receive a Peachjar account welcome email.

Quickly manage staff user roles

Roles of district and school users can be quickly managed using the role checkboxes on each staff user listed in User & Roles Settings. Each role selection/deselection on this list of staff users is automatically saved when the ‘role’ box is checked. 

Note: If you’re a staff user with an Admin role at the district, you cannot deselect the Admin role for yourself. This scenario is reflected in the district and school staff list with a disabled checkbox on your staff user’s Admin role. However, another staff user assigned with the Admin role can remove the Admin role from your user account.

Note: The system will automatically send a role change notification email to the staff user any time their role is added or changed.

Remove staff user with a role

Staff with roles can only be removed individually, not through the Bulk Manage Staff process. Select the “X“ icon on the right side of the list to remove a staff user. Alternatively, a staff user can be removed by selecting the pencil icon on the right side of the list and then selecting the “Remove” link.


View volunteers

Volunteers are individuals such as PTA/PTO members, room parents, and event coordinators. Select the “User & Role Settings” section from the Settings menu to view the volunteers that have been setup.

Find volunteer user

Use the Sites and/or Roles filters, above the list of staff users to narrow down the list. You can also use the list’s column headings to sort it for finding  a particular user.

Add volunteer

Select the “Add Volunteer” button above the list of volunteer users to add a volunteer user to the district or school/site(s).

Email Address

Enter the volunteer’s personal or company email address. They will receive a Peachjar Welcome email for account authorization containing a magic login link.


Select the district or school/site(s) the user is associated with. If the volunteer user is associated with more than one school use the “Add Volunteer” option for each site.


Roles are a set of granted privileges to access/use particular areas of Peachjar’s service. The Uploader role is automatically assigned to all Volunteers.

  • The Uploader role can distribute flyers to the district and/or school(s) and view flyer reporting for the flyers they have uploaded and submitted. Uploaders assigned to the district can distribute to parents (or staff) of all schools. Uploaders assigned to a school can only distribute flyers to parents (or staff) of that school.

Upon being added as a volunteer uploader, the system will automatically send a Peachjar account welcome email for account authorization containing a magic login link.

Remove volunteer user

Select the “X“ icon on the right side of the list to remove a volunteer.

Alternatively, a user can be removed by selecting the pencil icon on the right side of the list and then selecting the “Remove” link.

Account Communications 

Welcome email with login

Upon being assigned a role for the first time, a welcome email will be sent to the staff/volunteer containing a login link  and access to training resources based on the role(s) the user has been assigned. By clicking the login link the user's account is authenticated on their computer browser for 6 months and they will remain logged in for that amount of time before they are asked to generate a new magic link.

Users may be sent another login link for the following reasons:

  • Welcome email’s login link was not clicked within 72 hours and has expired
  • User has manually logged out of their account
  • User is accessing their account using a different browser and/or device
  • User has cleared the browser’s data


Receive school’s flyer emails

All added staff/volunteer users are automatically set to “follow” their school’s flyer distributions so they can stay informed just like parents. 

If a staff/volunteer user wants to receive flyer emails being sent to more than one specific school, the staff/volunteer user will have to be added for each school site they are interested in. 

If a staff/volunteer user is associated with the district site, they will receive flyer emails for all schools in the district.

Note: volunteers are automatically assigned the Uploader role to any site they are assigned to.

This preference can be managed in the staff or volunteer account’s Personal Information section. District staff/volunteer users only have the option to follow or unfollow all schools within their district. School staff/volunteer users have the option to follow or unfollow each school they are associated with.

Settings for Community Organizations


Your district admin can manage the Community Settings which apply to the district and all of the schools/sites. These settings impact the community organizations who are submitting flyers to schools for distribution.

Your school Admin does not have permission to manage the Community Settings.

Enable organizations to distribute to staff

Enable (switch right/green) community organizations to distribute flyers to the district and school staff including volunteers. This is off by default upon account creation and must be enabled by the district, typically after staff are added in bulk through the Bulk Manage Staff process .

Community organizations can not distribute to subsets of the district and school staff. Organizations can only choose to distribute flyers to the entire set of staff users, including volunteers, of a district that has this setting enabled.

Note: This does not change the ability for districts to distribute to individual staff audience groups for All District & School staff, District-Only staff and school site staff groups.  

Enable flyer disclaimer

Enable (switch right/green) disclaimers to be displayed on the bottom of all community organization flyers. Peachjar provides a standard flyer disclaimer or your district can provide their own flyer disclaimer by selecting “Use Custom Version”. This is off by default upon account creation.

Use custom flyer disclaimer

If your district would like to use your own flyer disclaimer, select the “Use Custom Version” link, enter your version into the Flyer Disclaimer text field, and then select the Save button.

Enable flyer approval guidelines

Enable (switch right/green) a set of flyer approval guidelines to be presented to community organizations for acknowledgement and guidance on acceptable flyer content when submitting flyers to your district for approval. This is off by default upon account creation.

The Flyer Approval Guidelines are presented to community organizations directly below the school finder during flyer submission. Upon selecting a school within a district that has the Flyer Approval Guidelines enabled, the district name appears with the flyer approval guidelines confirmation (checkbox). The district name links to either Peachjar’s flyer approval guidelines or the custom flyer approval guidelines hosted by the district. 


A link to the Flyer Approval Guidelines are also presented in the email notification to community organizations who have had their flyer denied. When your district has the Flyer Approval Guidelines enabled, the following sentence is automatically added to the beginning of the first paragraph in the footer of the denied flyer email notification.



When the Flyer Approval Guidelines are enabled, the system defaults to Peachjar’s Flyer Approval Guidelines. These guidelines aim to ensure appropriate child enrichment flyers are being submitted for distribution to parents. 

Peachjar’s Flyer Approval Guidelines are hosted by Peachjar and are accessible to everyone through a public URL. Therefore, your district can copy the public URL and provide the link to Peachjar’s Flyer Approval Guidelines, rather than hosting your own guidelines on your website.


Use custom flyer approval guidelines

If your district would like to use their own flyer approval guidelines, select the “Use Custom Version” link, enter the URL of the district’s hosted flyer approval guidelines, and then select the Save button.

Flyer Approval Settings

Navigate to settings and click “Approvals” 

A district Admin can manage the Approval Settings for all of the schools/sites. A school Admin does not have permission to manage the Approval Settings.

Set up approval workflow

A flyer approval workflow must be set up before an account can be activated/launched.

Configure the flyer approval workflow by selecting the uploaders that require approval and setting up the staff approvers. One or two approval levels can be set up. However, a single district approval level is highly encouraged.

We recommend your district sets an approval schedule of at least weekly to avoid having flyers automatically denied by Peachjar on the 8th day following the target distribution date selected by the uploader.

Select uploaders requiring approval 

Select the uploaders that require approval by your district. Flyers submitted by these selected uploaders will only be distributed if they’re approved by specific staff members of your school district.

Flyers submitted by community organizations always require approval by the district in order to be distributed. The “Community organization uploaders” option is automatically selected and locked by default.

Flyers submitted by district, school, and/or volunteer uploaders can be selected to require approval by specific staff members at your school district.

Upon selecting district, school, and/or volunteer uploaders, the number of uploaders that have been set up is displayed along with an ‘Add Uploader’ button to add more. The “Add Uploader” button jumps the user to the Users & Roles section of the settings with the “Add Staff” or “Add Volunteer” drawer open and the Uploader role automatically selected.

Once a staff or volunteer user has been added with the Uploader role the individual user can be selected to require their flyer submissions be approved under Approval Settings.

The options under “School uploaders” and “Volunteer uploaders” are hidden until either is selected.

Upon selecting the “Individual uploaders” option, a dropdown menu of all applicable uploaders is displayed. This dropdown menu consists of uploader email addresses since first and last name may not have been provided.


When an individual uploader is selected in the dropdown menu they are added to the list of “Individual School Uploaders” or “Individual Volunteer Uploaders” directly to the right. Select the “X” icon button to remove an individual uploader from the list that requires approval.

Set up single district approval level

The single district approval level is the default and enables flyers submitted by select uploaders to require approval by any district Approver. Therefore, any district staff user that has been assigned the Approver role can approve or deny these flyers. When one of the district Approvers approves or denies a flyer, it's removed from the list of flyers pending approval for the other district Approvers too.

We highly encourage having more than 1 district Approver for back-up when an Approver is out of office or unavailable. Set up at least 2 district Approvers to help ensure an efficient approval process.

On the right side, the number of district Approvers that have been set up is displayed along with an “Add Approver” button to add more.

The single district approval level has up to 7 days after the Target Distribution Date to approve or deny the flyer. Flyers that are approved by any one of the district Approvers will be distributed. Flyers that are denied by any one of the district Approvers will not be distributed. On the 8th day after the Target Distribution Date, a flyer that is still pending approval will be automatically denied and will not be distributed. The approval history record will display the reason "No Approval Action".

Activate approval workflow

When the configuration of the flyer approval workflow is properly set up the Activate button can be selected. The system automatically adjusts to a new approval workflow being activated.

Settings for Parents

Navigate to settings and click “Parents

  • A District Admin can manage the Parent Settings for all of the schools/sites.
  • A school Admin does not have permission to manage the Parent Settings. 


Subscribe parents

You can subscribe parents/guardians to Peachjar for flyer distribution by uploading your parent email list (CSV file). A parent account will be automatically created for new email addresses and a welcome email from Peachjar will be automatically sent.

Parents can also subscribe on their own to Peachjar and select the district’s school they want to receive flyers from. 

While an automated sync is always optimal, it may be necessary to manually upload the parent email list for the purpose of district onboarding.


Parent List Map

When you upload the Parent List for the first time, you'll need to start setting up the mapping by uploading a CSV file below. 

Be sure the CSV includes all parents for each school in your district. 

File requirements: 

  • Your file should contain columns for Site SIS ID, Grades, and Parent Email. We recommend having these columns as headers. 
  • You will be asked to map PK-CE grades based on the grade range indicated in District & School Settings. If you are planning to map more grades, please update the grade range in District & School Settings and return to this page.
  • Your file size should be less than 50 MB

Once you have the CSV ready, click "Parent List Mapping." The status of your upload is shown below.

Note: If you only see some grades, they need to update the grade range in District & School Settings and then come back to the mapping process.

Parent List Mapping

Follow the three steps to configure and map the parent list:


Step 1 Upload CSV

Upload by dropping or browsing from your computer the CSV file with all the requirements. Click continue for step 2.

Step 2 Map CSV File Columns

  • Select CSV columns to match the required information. 
  • Use optional columns for extra details, or select "ignore" to continue.
  • If your file doesn't have headers, you can still map them as column 1, column 2, and so on. Usually, we think the first row is the header.
  • If it's not, uncheck the box that says "First row of the CSV file is the header".

After selecting your columns, you will have the preview of the Mapping:

Step 3 Map CSV File Grades 

  • Select the grades in your CSV that match the grades that are currently active in Peachjar. 
  • If you don't see a grade available for matching, go back to your District & School Settings to update your grade ranges, then navigate back to this page. 

Note: If the district does not have grades, it will go to the whole school. If the ORG flyer goes to all the ignored grades, The ignored grades will not receive school flyers. 


Parent List Mapping Overview

Done! The mapping has been uploaded and is ready for review.



Change Mapping 

If you need to edit the list, select Change Mapping and you will see the following message:

“You are about to change your parent list mapping from uploading a recent parent list. The current parent sync will stop working until your new mapping is in place.”

Click Change Mapping if you need to change the parent list to start the process over again. 



Map multiple grade entries

You have the ability to view the count of distinct, unmapped grade records through notifications within a specialized button. To include additional mappings, users can click on the 'Add Mappings' button.

The number of available fields for this action is determined by subtracting the number of unique district grades from the number of unmapped grade records. 

Note: It's mandatory to complete the mappings for the distinct grades within the district, which are displayed at the top. However, the additional mappings for consolidating multiple grades into a single grade are optional. You have the flexibility to move forward without completing all grade mappings.

Click "Add Mappings" to optionally map more than one grade entry in your CSV file to a single district grade. For example, you can map PK1 and PK2 to PK. If you want to ignore a grade entry in your CSV file, leave it unmapped. Click Done once you finish. 


Data Sync 

To fix any errors in the CSV, simply download the incorrect data and replace it.


Unsubscribe parents

Any parent email addresses that were previously uploaded to Peachjar, that are not found in the new CSV file, will be unsubscribed from that school’s flyer distributions.

Note: Parents who created a Peachjar account on their own will remain subscribed to the school(s) they selected.


Automatically sync parent list

An automated sync of the parent email list is established by uploading the CSV file using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). 

This method is highly encouraged to ensure the parent email list stays up-to-date. File sync jobs automatically run upon the file being successfully uploaded.

An “SFTP Credentials” text file will be available for download. This text file contains the Hostname, Username, Password and Directory for the SFTP connection. This file is intended for the district Admin to share with their IT team.


Manually sync parent list

Alternatively, parent email lists can be manually uploaded using the same CSV file format through this area of the district portal. Files that are manually uploaded must be no more than 50MB.


View Data Sync Status

Once the CSV file upload process is initiated, one of the following statuses will display for both the  SFTP and manual processes.

If there are any errors, you will be able to see them here:

Upon a successful upload of the CSV file, the email sync job (process) automatically runs.


View latest CSV file upload

The Parent Settings page provides the option to view the latest CSV file that has been successfully uploaded for future reference as needed.


View parent list sync logs

View the sync job logs for SFTP and manually uploaded files. View details of the email sync job along with various counts of the sync results. 

The sync job logs display the last 50 log entries. Peachjar can provide additional logs and additional log details upon request.



Questions? Contact us

Settings for School and District Accounts

District and school Admins can access their setup option under the Settings menu, in the top right corner.

A District Admin can manage the settings for the district and all of the schools. 

A School Admin can only manage the settings for the schools they are assigned to.


Update district settings

Select the “District & School Settings” section from the Settings menu to view and update the district’s settings.


The District Name is displayed in Peachjar’s flyer email notification to parents, on your district’s flyer board, and in the school finder viewed by community organizations.

Note: Your district must contact Peachjar to update the District Name.


Physical Address

Used in the community organization’s school finder to locate districts of interest, geographically, when submitting a flyer for distribution. 


Flyer Board Buttons

With the Flyer Board Buttons, parents can see the latest flyers from your district right on the district and school websites.

Download a CSV file with code snippets and URLs for the flyer boards in your district and school. Place these button code snippets on your district and school websites.


General Disclaimer

The General Disclaimer is displayed at the bottom of the flyer email notifications to parents and on the bottom of the district and school flyer boards.

e.g., if the flyer you are viewing is not accessible, please contact the Communications and Community Relations Department to report it at 555-555-5555 or communityrelations@abcusd.edu.

For those with accounts launched before December 12, 2020, your Flyer Accessibility Disclaimer and Custom Email Footer have been combined into a single message now called "General Disclaimer."

Flyer disclaimers are separate from general disclaimers; see Flyer Disclaimer in the Community Settings for more details.


View district schools/sites

Below the district settings, view information about each school / site that’s been setup.

Add school/site

Contact Peachjar to add a school/site.


When a school/site is set to Active and Visible (yellow), the school/site will be shown to community organizations in Peachjar. This results in the community organizations being able to see this school / site in the school finder and, therefore, can distribute flyers to this school’s parents.

When a school/site is not set to Visible (gray), it will not be shown to community organizations in Peachjar. This results in the community organizations not being able to see this school/site in the school finder and, therefore, cannot distribute flyers to this school’s parents. District and this school’s users with the Uploader role can still see and select this school / site for flyer distribution.

Your district must contact Peachjar to set a school as Visible or not Visible to community organizations.


Update school/site settings

Select the arrow, on the right side of the list of schools/sites, to update its settings.

School Name

The School Name is displayed in Peachjar’s flyer email notification to parents, on the district’s flyer board, and in the school finder viewed by community organizations.

Your district must contact Peachjar to update your school’s name.



A unique identifier of the school used for securing and synchronizing data. Use the ID from the district’s School Information System (SIS) if one is in use, otherwise the district Admin can enter any custom ID. The SIS/custom ID can be a combination of numbers and letters with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 256.


Physical Address

Used in the community organization’s school finder to locate schools of interest, geographically, when submitting a flyer for distribution.



The total count of students in your school. This number is used to calculate the health of your school’s parent email list.



The grade range of schools/sites are used to filter results in the school finder when a staff, volunteers, and community organizations are submitting flyers for distribution.


Flyer Board Button

The Flyer Board Button provides parents access to your school’s current flyers directly from your school website.

Download a CSV file containing a code snippet with a URL for your school flyer board. Place this button code snippet on your school website.

Distribution Settings

 Flyer distribution window

Districts have a specific 1-hour distribution window, based on their local time zone, set as their daily flyer email delivery schedule. Important: By default, all districts are set to a daily distribution window of 3pm - 4pm local time. In most cases, we can expect most of the scheduled flyer emails to be delivered close to the beginning of the window. However, depending on the volume of scheduled flyer emails and current network throttling at providers, it may take up to an hour for all emails to be delivered. 

Please contact Peachjar if you'd like to change your distribution window.

Staff, User & Role Settings

A district Admin can add staff in bulk or individually, with or without roles, to follow the district or school/site(s). There are two options to assign staff the admin, approver, and/or uploader roles to the district or school/site(s) they are associated with. Staff can be added individually or through the ‘quickly manage staff user roles’ feature. The uploader role is automatically assigned when volunteers are added to the district or school/site(s).

View district & school staff

Select the “User & Role Settings” section from the Settings menu to view your district and school staff that have been setup.


Add staff users individually

Select the “Add Staff” button, above the list of staff users to add a staff user to the district or a school/site(s).



Add staff in bulk

Select the “Bulk Manage Staff” button, above the list of staff users, to add, remove and, maintain existing staff users to the district and school sites. A pop-up window will appear providing detailed instructions on how to upload a csv file to update district and school staff in bulk.

Please note! Each time a list is uploaded, the new list will completely replace the existing list of staff emails on a per site basis (in the same manner as the parent CSV). 

  • New email staff accounts will be added if they are not currently in our system.
  • Emails for existing staff accounts not listed will be removed unless they are assigned a role (Admin, Approver, or Uploader).

Roles for existing staff accounts can not be updated through the bulk management process. Therefore, manual updates to these roles can be individually updated instead. 

Find staff user

Use the Sites and/or Roles filters above the list of staff users to narrow down the list. You can also use the list’s column headings to sort it for finding a particular user.


Email Address

Enter the staff member’s email address with the district’s domain. New staff users will receive an email  for account authorization containing a magic login link.


Select the district or school/site that the user is associated with. If the staff user is associated with more than one school/site use the “Add Staff” option for each school/site.


Roles are a set of granted permissions to access / use to particular areas of Peachjar’s service.

  • The Admin role can manage settings, access approval history for all flyers, and view all flyer reporting for their associated district or school(s). At least one administrator is required at the district.
  • The Approver role can approve or deny flyers being distributed to parents and access approval history for flyers they approved or denied.
  • The Uploader role can distribute flyers to the district and/or school(s) and view flyer reporting for the flyers they have distributed. Uploaders assigned to the district can distribute to parents (or staff) of all school/sites(s). Uploaders assigned to a school can only distribute flyers to parents (or staff) of that school.

Note: Staff users can be added individually without a role assigned and will automatically be set to follow the district or school/site(s) they are assigned to.

The first time a staff user is added to the Peachjar system, with or without a role, they will automatically receive a Peachjar account welcome email.

Quickly manage staff user roles

Roles of district and school users can be quickly managed using the role checkboxes on each staff user listed in User & Roles Settings. Each role selection/deselection on this list of staff users is automatically saved when the ‘role’ box is checked. 

Note: If you’re a staff user with an Admin role at the district, you cannot deselect the Admin role for yourself. This scenario is reflected in the district and school staff list with a disabled checkbox on your staff user’s Admin role. However, another staff user assigned with the Admin role can remove the Admin role from your user account.

Note: The system will automatically send a role change notification email to the staff user any time their role is added or changed.

Remove staff user with a role

Staff with roles can only be removed individually, not through the Bulk Manage Staff process. Select the “X“ icon on the right side of the list to remove a staff user. Alternatively, a staff user can be removed by selecting the pencil icon on the right side of the list and then selecting the “Remove” link.


View volunteers

Volunteers are individuals such as PTA/PTO members, room parents, and event coordinators. Select the “User & Role Settings” section from the Settings menu to view the volunteers that have been setup.

Find volunteer user

Use the Sites and/or Roles filters, above the list of staff users to narrow down the list. You can also use the list’s column headings to sort it for finding  a particular user.

Add volunteer

Select the “Add Volunteer” button above the list of volunteer users to add a volunteer user to the district or school/site(s).


Email Address

Enter the volunteer’s personal or company email address. They will receive a Peachjar Welcome email for account authorization containing a magic login link.


Select the district or school/site(s) the user is associated with. If the volunteer user is associated with more than one school use the “Add Volunteer” option for each site.


Roles are a set of granted privileges to access/use particular areas of Peachjar’s service. The Uploader role is automatically assigned to all Volunteers.

  • The Uploader role can distribute flyers to the district and/or school(s) and view flyer reporting for the flyers they have uploaded and submitted. Uploaders assigned to the district can distribute to parents (or staff) of all schools. Uploaders assigned to a school can only distribute flyers to parents (or staff) of that school.

Upon being added as a volunteer uploader, the system will automatically send a Peachjar account welcome email for account authorization containing a magic login link.


Remove volunteer user

Select the “X“ icon on the right side of the list to remove a volunteer.

Alternatively, a user can be removed by selecting the pencil icon on the right side of the list and then selecting the “Remove” link.

Account Communications 

Welcome email with login

Upon being assigned a role for the first time, a welcome email will be sent to the staff/volunteer containing a login link  and access to training resources based on the role(s) the user has been assigned. By clicking the login link the user's account is authenticated on their computer browser for 6 months and they will remain logged in for that amount of time before they are asked to generate a new magic link.

Users may be sent another login link for the following reasons:

  • Welcome email’s login link was not clicked within 72 hours and has expired
  • User has manually logged out of their account
  • User is accessing their account using a different browser and/or device
  • User has cleared the browser’s data


Receive school’s flyer emails

All added staff/volunteer users are automatically set to “follow” their school’s flyer distributions so they can stay informed just like parents. 

If a staff/volunteer user wants to receive flyer emails being sent to more than one specific school, the staff/volunteer user will have to be added for each school site they are interested in. 

If a staff/volunteer user is associated with the district site, they will receive flyer emails for all schools in the district.

Note: volunteers are automatically assigned the Uploader role to any site they are assigned to.

This preference can be managed in the staff or volunteer account’s Personal Information section. District staff/volunteer users only have the option to follow or unfollow all schools within their district. School staff/volunteer users have the option to follow or unfollow each school they are associated with.

Settings for Community Organizations

Your district admin can manage the Community Settings which apply to the district and all of the schools/sites. These settings impact the community organizations who are submitting flyers to schools for distribution.

Your school Admin does not have permission to manage the Community Settings.

Enable organizations to distribute to staff

Enable (switch right/green) community organizations to distribute flyers to the district and school staff including volunteers. This is off by default upon account creation and must be enabled by the district, typically after staff are added in bulk through the Bulk Manage Staff process .

Community organizations can not distribute to subsets of the district and school staff. Organizations can only choose to distribute flyers to the entire set of staff users, including volunteers, of a district that has this setting enabled.

Note: This does not change the ability for districts to distribute to individual staff audience groups for All District & School staff, District-Only staff and school site staff groups.  

Enable flyer disclaimer

Enable (switch right/green) disclaimers to be displayed on the bottom of all community organization flyers. Peachjar provides a standard flyer disclaimer or your district can provide their own flyer disclaimer by selecting “Use Custom Version”. This is off by default upon account creation.

Use custom flyer disclaimer

If your district would like to use your own flyer disclaimer, select the “Use Custom Version” link, enter your version into the Flyer Disclaimer text field, and then select the Save button.

Enable flyer approval guidelines

Enable (switch right/green) a set of flyer approval guidelines to be presented to community organizations for acknowledgement and guidance on acceptable flyer content when submitting flyers to your district for approval. This is off by default upon account creation.

The Flyer Approval Guidelines are presented to community organizations directly below the school finder during flyer submission. Upon selecting a school within a district that has the Flyer Approval Guidelines enabled, the district name appears with the flyer approval guidelines confirmation (checkbox). The district name links to either Peachjar’s flyer approval guidelines or the custom flyer approval guidelines hosted by the district. 


A link to the Flyer Approval Guidelines are also presented in the email notification to community organizations who have had their flyer denied. When your district has the Flyer Approval Guidelines enabled, the following sentence is automatically added to the beginning of the first paragraph in the footer of the denied flyer email notification.



When the Flyer Approval Guidelines are enabled, the system defaults to Peachjar’s Flyer Approval Guidelines. These guidelines aim to ensure appropriate child enrichment flyers are being submitted for distribution to parents. 

Peachjar’s Flyer Approval Guidelines are hosted by Peachjar and are accessible to everyone through a public URL. Therefore, your district can copy the public URL and provide the link to Peachjar’s Flyer Approval Guidelines, rather than hosting your own guidelines on your website.


Use custom flyer approval guidelines

If your district would like to use their own flyer approval guidelines, select the “Use Custom Version” link, enter the URL of the district’s hosted flyer approval guidelines, and then select the Save button.

Flyer Approval Settings

Navigate to settings and click “Approvals” 

A district Admin can manage the Approval Settings for all of the schools/sites. A school Admin does not have permission to manage the Approval Settings.


Set up approval workflow

A flyer approval workflow must be set up before an account can be activated/launched.

Configure the flyer approval workflow by selecting the uploaders that require approval and setting up the staff approvers. One or two approval levels can be set up. However, a single district approval level is highly encouraged.

We recommend your district sets an approval schedule of at least weekly to avoid having flyers automatically denied by Peachjar on the 8th day following the target distribution date selected by the uploader.


Select uploaders requiring approval 

Select the uploaders that require approval by your district. Flyers submitted by these selected uploaders will only be distributed if they’re approved by specific staff members of your school district.

Flyers submitted by community organizations always require approval by the district in order to be distributed. The “Community organization uploaders” option is automatically selected and locked by default.

Flyers submitted by district, school, and/or volunteer uploaders can be selected to require approval by specific staff members at your school district.

Upon selecting district, school, and/or volunteer uploaders, the number of uploaders that have been set up is displayed along with an ‘Add Uploader’ button to add more. The “Add Uploader” button jumps the user to the Users & Roles section of the settings with the “Add Staff” or “Add Volunteer” drawer open and the Uploader role automatically selected.

Once a staff or volunteer user has been added with the Uploader role the individual user can be selected to require their flyer submissions be approved under Approval Settings.

The options under “School uploaders” and “Volunteer uploaders” are hidden until either is selected.

Upon selecting the “Individual uploaders” option, a dropdown menu of all applicable uploaders is displayed. This dropdown menu consists of uploader email addresses since first and last name may not have been provided.


When an individual uploader is selected in the dropdown menu they are added to the list of “Individual School Uploaders” or “Individual Volunteer Uploaders” directly to the right. Select the “X” icon button to remove an individual uploader from the list that requires approval.

Set up single district approval level

The single district approval level is the default and enables flyers submitted by select uploaders to require approval by any district Approver. Therefore, any district staff user that has been assigned the Approver role can approve or deny these flyers. When one of the district Approvers approves or denies a flyer, it's removed from the list of flyers pending approval for the other district Approvers too.

We highly encourage having more than 1 district Approver for back-up when an Approver is out of office or unavailable. Set up at least 2 district Approvers to help ensure an efficient approval process.

On the right side, the number of district Approvers that have been set up is displayed along with an “Add Approver” button to add more.

The single district approval level has up to 7 days after the Target Distribution Date to approve or deny the flyer. Flyers that are approved by any one of the district Approvers will be distributed. Flyers that are denied by any one of the district Approvers will not be distributed. On the 8th day after the Target Distribution Date, a flyer that is still pending approval will be automatically denied and will not be distributed. The approval history record will display the reason "No Approval Action".

Activate approval workflow

When the configuration of the flyer approval workflow is properly set up the Activate button can be selected. The system automatically adjusts to a new approval workflow being activated.

Settings for Parents

Navigate to settings and click “Parents

  • A District Admin can manage the Parent Settings for all of the schools/sites.
  • A school Admin does not have permission to manage the Parent Settings. 

Subscribe parents

You can subscribe parents/guardians to Peachjar for flyer distribution by uploading your parent email list (CSV file). A parent account will be automatically created for new email addresses and a welcome email from Peachjar will be automatically sent.

Parents can also subscribe on their own to Peachjar and select the district’s school they want to receive flyers from. 

While an automated sync is always optimal, it may be necessary to manually upload the parent email list for the purpose of district onboarding.

Parent List Map

When you upload the Parent List for the first time, you'll need to start setting up the mapping by uploading a CSV file below. 

Be sure the CSV includes all parents for each school in your district. 

File requirements: 

  • Your file should contain columns for Site SIS ID, Grades, and Parent Email. We recommend having these columns as headers. 
  • You will be asked to map PK-CE grades based on the grade range indicated in District & School Settings. If you are planning to map more grades, please update the grade range in District & School Settings and return to this page.
  • Your file size should be less than 50 MB

Once you have the CSV ready, click "Parent List Mapping." The status of your upload is shown below.

Note: If you only see some grades, they need to update the grade range in District & School Settings and then come back to the mapping process.


Parent List Mapping

Follow the three steps to configure and map the parent list:

Step 1 Upload CSV

Upload by dropping or browsing from your computer the CSV file with all the requirements. Click continue for step 2.

Step 2 Map CSV File Columns

  • Select CSV columns to match the required information. 
  • Use optional columns for extra details, or select "ignore" to continue.
  • If your file doesn't have headers, you can still map them as column 1, column 2, and so on. Usually, we think the first row is the header.
  • If it's not, uncheck the box that says "First row of the CSV file is the header".

After selecting your columns, you will have the preview of the Mapping:

Step 3 Map CSV FIle Grades 

  • Select the grades in your CSV that match the grades that are currently active in Peachjar. 
  • If you don't see a grade available for matching, go back to your District & School Settings to update your grade ranges, then navigate back to this page. 

Note: If the district does not have grades, it will go to the whole school. If the ORG flyer goes to all the ignored grades, The ignored grades will not receive school flyers. 



Parent List Mapping Overview

Done! The mapping has been uploaded and is ready for review.



Change Mapping 

If you need to edit the list, select Change Mapping and you will see the following message:

“You are about to change your parent list mapping from uploading a recent parent list. The current parent sync will stop working until your new mapping is in place.”

Click Change Mapping if you need to change the parent list to start the process over again. 



Map multiple grade entries

You have the ability to view the count of distinct, unmapped grade records through notifications within a specialized button. To include additional mappings, users can click on the 'Add Mappings' button.

The number of available fields for this action is determined by subtracting the number of unique district grades from the number of unmapped grade records. 

Note: It's mandatory to complete the mappings for the distinct grades within the district, which are displayed at the top. However, the additional mappings for consolidating multiple grades into a single grade are optional. You have the flexibility to move forward without completing all grade mappings.

Click "Add Mappings" to optionally map more than one grade entry in your CSV file to a single district grade. For example, you can map PK1 and PK2 to PK. If you want to ignore a grade entry in your CSV file, leave it unmapped. Click Done once you finish. 


Data Sync 

To fix any errors in the CSV, simply download the incorrect data and replace it.

Unsubscribe parents

Any parent email addresses that were previously uploaded to Peachjar, that are not found in the new CSV file, will be unsubscribed from that school’s flyer distributions.

Note: Parents who created a Peachjar account on their own will remain subscribed to the school(s) they selected.

Automatically sync parent list

An automated sync of the parent email list is established by uploading the CSV file using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). 

This method is highly encouraged to ensure the parent email list stays up-to-date. File sync jobs automatically run upon the file being successfully uploaded.

An “SFTP Credentials” text file will be available for download. This text file contains the Hostname, Username, Password and Directory for the SFTP connection. This file is intended for the district Admin to share with their IT team.

Manually sync parent list

Alternatively, parent email lists can be manually uploaded using the same CSV file format through this area of the district portal. Files that are manually uploaded must be no more than 50MB.

View Data Sync Status

Once the CSV file upload process is initiated, one of the following statuses will display for both the  SFTP and manual processes.

If there are any errors, you will be able to see them here:

Upon a successful upload of the CSV file, the email sync job (process) automatically runs.

View latest CSV file upload

The Parent Settings page provides the option to view the latest CSV file that has been successfully uploaded for future reference as needed.

View parent list sync logs

View the sync job logs for SFTP and manually uploaded files. View details of the email sync job along with various counts of the sync results. 

The sync job logs display the last 50 log entries. Peachjar can provide additional logs and additional log details upon request.



Questions? Contact us